Working Class and Unhoused Accommodations Are Our Priority

Portland's housing crisis has deepened despite efforts to increase supply. Simply adding more generic, low-quality buildings hasn’t solved affordability issues. With 20,000 residents leaving in the past four years, we need to rethink our approach. The reality is that real estate has become globally commodified, largely influenced by Wall Street investors.

To truly support the working class, we must innovate housing solutions:

-Subsidizing real estate for those in need

- Preserving existing affordable units

-Streamlining the process and limiting property tax liabilty for creating accessory dwelling units (ADUs) can also help expand our housing stock.

-Developing diverse housing types such as…

single-room occupancy long term hotels, shared housing, and tiny house villages. We can work with development groups for win/win solutions to create affordability.

For the unhoused, we must create managed campgrounds to have an immediate option to get people off the street and into a safe place .

We need to focus on mission-based communities that offer essential support while encouraging recovery. By focusing on holistic, sustainable strategies, we can improve the quality of life for all Portland residents and make our city more inclusive and resilient. We must avoid creating a Homeless Industrial Complex that shifts funds from the unhoused to the bureaucracy that serves them.